Please enter a domain name that you would like to register today.
Before you start searching for your name, here are a few basic facts that are handy to keep in mind:
Having a good domain name sometimes gives you a decisive edge over your competitors that they often find hard to surmount. Your position in your industry can often be dictated by how good your domain name is. The following are the benefits of a good domain name.
Here are the characteristics of an effective domain name:
After having chosen your domain name, bear in mind the following points in registering the name:
These are strong points to consider as you weigh the potential benefits of registering your own domain name. Ultimately you'll have to consider what your goals are and whether the cost of domain registration is warranted. Whatever your decision is; try to keep in mind the points presented above so that your potential customers will find you on the web.
Yes, Notable Web can register any number of domains for you.
Yes. We can assist you with the transfer from your current hosting servers to Notable Web servers. You will need to provide with your domain registrar access information in order to make the needed changes to point the domain name to Notable Web servers.
For all our hosting plans, except File Hosting, you will either need to register a new domain name or transfer your existing domain name to Notable Web's nameservers. For our File Hosting Plan, you will have the option of using a vanity domain name.
Vanity Domain: Ex.